This term we have been learning about mould. Her is all the informtion i foundout about how mould forms and grows. I think i got alot of useful informationbut next time i think i should probably use oictures to show what spores are and to make it more interesting.
How does Mould form?
Have you ever wondered how mould forms, grows and works? I am going to tell you right now. Mould reproduce and is formed by lots of tiny spores that the naked eye can’t see. Indoors mould usually begins to grow on moist surfaces, but mould inside should be avoided. Outdoor mould is really helpful for nature because it breaks down dead organic things such as dead trees and old leaves.
Moulds are a large number of fungal species where the growth in hyphae results in discolouration and a fuzzy layer, especially on food. The network of the branching hyphae is called a mycelium. It is considered a single organism. The hyphae is generally clear so the mycelium appears like very fine fluffy white strings over the area. The dusty texture of mould is created by profuse production of asexual spores formed by different ends of hyphae. The shape and formation of the mold is used to classify moulds. Many of the spores are coloured, making the fungus more obvious to the human eye.
Spores are one of the main things that create mould. Spores are made by non-flowering plants, bacterias, fungi and algae. Some bacteria produce spores as a way to survive in harsh conditions because spores can last a long tim
e in bad conditions. Spores float through the air, because they are airborne, and land on damp surfaces then begin to form mould. There are many types of moulds but all require a moist surface. The spores are carried by an air current and land on anything, so mould is very contagious.
Mould is found everywhere and can grow on almost any surface where there is moisture. Water vapor makes condensation on surfaces that are coolers than the air’s moisture, which enables mould to grow. Floors or crawl spaces and basements with dirty floors and without vapor barriers are mould prone.
That is basically how spores and mould works.

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